Charitable Gifts

Looking for unique gift ideas? Our charitable gifts are a great present for any occasion!


Choose between our charitable gifts available. “Adopt a class” to have a presentation delivered on your recipient’s behalf. “Adopt a Volunteer” and let your recipient know they will be sponsoring a future health professional.

Dedicate your donation in honor of a friend or loved one to send an e-card with your gift. Choose from a wide variety of e-cards for every special occasion, including birthdays, weddings, special holidays and more. Receive a tax receipt for any donation of $25 or more.

Adopt a Class


When you Adopt a Class for a friend, we will deliver a presentation about Sun Safety and and skin cancer prevention on their behalf. Each class will learn how to play safe in the sun, Avoiding tanning beds, and the ABCDE’s of early detection. Let your recipient know that by contributing to this fund, they are effectively reducing skin cancer rates in Canada!  

Adopt a Volunteer

This one is for that friend who loves to volunteer but isn’t currently able to. When you adopt a volunteer, one university or college student will receive support, training and the opportunity to deliver Sun Safety presentations. Let your recipient know that by adopting a volunteer, they are providing opportunities for future health and education professionals!  
